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Land Art | LandArt | Landart

Artists are identified and selected from the national and international scene through cultural associations, institutions, galleries and hosted in the Nellimya Arthouse residence in Aranno (Ticino).

The works are documented in the Online Catalog, which is constantly being updated due to adaptations to the works: restorations and renovations.

Schools are welcome to follow the installation, meet the Artists and experience Landart through tailored thematic workshops.

Nellimya Arthouse Art Gallery - Solidarity Partner of ALA Association - is pleased to collaborate with Artists who have Lightart & Landart works in their creativity, in order to amplify the trait-d'union between indoor and outdoor exhibitions.


What is Land Art?

From the end of the 1960s in the United States was born the Land Art - a term coined in 1969 by Gerry Schum-an art movement that rediscovered nature and landscape as tools and supports, which themselves became sculpture and installation. Major creators include Robert Smithson, Richard Long, Walter De Maria and Christo, famous for completely enveloping large-scale monuments such as the Parliament Building in Berlin, or natural environments, such as a cliff in Australia or the very latest intervention The Flating Piers on Lake Iseo.

In Europe, Land Art is also a stimulus to artists who between the 1960s and 1970s are experimenting with new avenues such as Process Art and Arte Povera, however, the character it takes on in the Old Continent is in fact different: more intimate, meditative and above all far from creating works with a macroscopic character, the artist prefers gestures, walks and natural materials to create works of Art in Nature, as the European experience will be called. In fact, these two artistic dimensions - born in a social and historical context in which art was increasingly advancing an active social role, driven by the artists' own desire to engage, denounce, show and make people think - did not remain isolated and concluded cases, but were able to evolve and transform themselves into other forms of art, thanks in part to the ecological and environmentalist sensibility that from the 1980s onward was rampant in the Western world, aware of the danger the planet was running.

In addition to those already mentioned, The main artists of Land art are Michael Heizer, Dennis Oppenheim, Beverly Pepper, James Turrell, but also Robert Morris (in 1966 he designed a large grass-covered earthen ring for an airport, but it was not until 1971 in Holland that he was able to make his project a reality Observatory, a complex construction of concentric rings) is the protagonist of remarkable environmental operations. The artist Alberto Burri, an Italian painter and sculptor and a leading international figure in postwar art, creates, by covering the rubble of the now destroyed (by the earthquake) town of Gibellina, a famous and admirable example of Landart that stretches over nearly 12 hectares, the Great Cretto.