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Non-profit association "ALA" | ID CHE-171,248,991

Art, leisure culture, aggregation, well-being, socialization and tourist attractiveness are the prerequisites of the Aranno LandArt Association with its registered office in Aranno at Nellimya Arthouse





The nonprofit Aranno LandArt Association was established with the goal of promoting art, culture, wellness and socialization en plein air for families, tourists and sportsmen. 

At the social headquarters - Nellimya Arhouse - at 11 Ur Stradòn Street in Aranno (15 min. from Agno Airport) - seminars, creativity workshops and events are planned to encourage quality leisure time in Canton Ticino!

The VitART Parcours Itineraries are specially chosen trails with the peculiarity of connecting Upper, Middle and Lower Malcantone. 

Each  vitART Parcours Itinerary is characterized by the presence of:

  • Landart 's works , for which there is a call for entries
  • Green Points: oasis for relaxation, play, stretching/yoga for equipped stops in the forest.
  • Network with the realities located around each trail (museums, artists' studios, historical places, natural beauty, farms, B&Bs, local places)
  • Entrata free all year round, depending on weather conditions.


The Association accepts no responsibility for improper use of the facilities.

The vitART Parcours Itineraries are created and kept practicable, thanks to free donations, public support and volunteering. For donations, the QR code is available. 

TheVitART Parcours Itineraries  project is part of the Tutela il bosco!

Leisure arts and culture


arch. Omar Antonelli

Artist and creator of the Vitart Parcours project
Mya Lurgo

Art historian + project consultant
Lich. phil. Alessia Ballabio


Team ALA

Fundraiser: Dr. Cristina Furrer Pasquali

Accounting: Angelo De Rocco 

Forestry: Davide Pirotta

General maintenance: Davide Previtali

Trail selection guide:
Matteo Zanotti

ALA volunteers: our lifeblood!

Additional applications for ALA Volunteerism are to be sent to. hello@aranno-land.art